About Me

My name is Christine but you can just call me Chrissy. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.  I moved down to Florida to take care of my elderly father who has since passed away.  I am a single cat mom to Fynn, Soyer, and Leia. 

Every since I could remember there was a need to be creative in some way whether that was painting, drawing ,and etc.  Well I was never good at those things but I can copy really well.

When I was in high school, the first graphic program I taught myself was Photoshop back in 1995. In that time frame, I taught myself HTML and later down the road, CSS. 

Throughout the years I learned Illustrator and Indesign. I also know how to build websites using WordPress. Due to the nature of my job, I have developed my skills in graphic design, web design and video editing.

When I am not designing, I like to read, watch tv, and cuddle with my furbabies.